I'm in the d.school again - Stanford's design centre. It's my favourite place on campus - absolutely brimming with ideas and creativity. The whole place is structured to encourage 'design thinking' and the creative process - they really understand how play can be used to stoke innovation.
I thought I'd jot down the 'brainstorming rules' that are set out in one of the shared spaces, before I forget. Definitely good things to keep in mind.
- Defer judgement
- Go for quantity
- Encourage wild ideas
- Build on the ideas of others
- One conversation at a time
- Stay focused on the topic
- Be visual
Here are some pics of brainstorming, as well, taken from the Hasso-Plattner School of Design Thinking in Germany. Great to see the creative process in action

I like this post! Sounds like a good place to be and a good spirit to be around. Cool pics too.