Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sunshine in the City

I'm now up in SF. The sun is absolutely nailing us to the floor, so we've slowed life down appropriately. 

The last week was a good 'un: some interesting chats with NPR bods (Deborah Amos and Ellen Weiss - NPR's vice-head of news) and Neil Chase from Federated Media - and ex-New York Times editor. Usual stuff from both camps: news-production as we know it is dead, but there will always be a place for news-gathering. I'm not so sure, particularly when hearing it from people who've now left the journalism game. Isn't it a bit questionable to say you have faith, while at the same time clambering into a life-raft? Not sure.

I also managed to get quite a lot of work done this last week, which was pretty amazing, considering how much I'm focussed on the job-hunt and visa thingamy. The latest on that, by the way, is that despite getting the finances sorted, Stanford's health centre have now decided to make my life a misery. So I've got to so even more tests to prove I'm not a threat to the US (this is after the half-million forms and tests this time last year). Bureaucratic tossers.

On the good news front, I hit the town with my old mate, Jim Peck, last night. He joined me from Sydney, where it sounds like he's got a pretty sweet life. Maybe that should be the next destination for DWS.

It's also 'Bay to Breakers' tomorrow; SF's annual festival of dressing up like an idiot and running across the city. As it combines two of my favourite things, I'd be a fool not to get involved. So if I can muster the energy, I might head to a thrift store or two later to check out costumes. It is darn hot though; maybe I'll just sit in the park.  

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