Tuesday, February 10, 2009

OK then, here we go...

OK folks, it's time to start blogging. 

To kick off, here's a quick introduction: My name's Dan Walker Smith, I'm a British journalist based in the States for a year on a Fulbright Scholarship. I've been a print journo and broadcaster for a couple of years, and I thought this was probably the time to get my teeth into blogging.

Right now I'm at Stanford, doing an MA in communications - mainly journalism, to be honest, but a healthy slice of design and digital stuff as well, which makes things more interesting. In fact, the design element is probably the most interesting bit of the course, so I'm looking into making that a bigger part of my life (or career - seem to be interchangable right now).

I like comedy, radio, ceramics, breakdancing, music with beats, laughing, cracking weak puns, cooking, cycling, travel and very spicy food. Way back in the day I used to like writing as well, but three years of journalism kicked that out of me, so hopefully this blog will re-ignite the fire.

I also present a couple of radio shows on KZSU in Stanford: The Beaten Track, 9 'til 12 on Friday mornings, Pacific time, and Speakeasy, which is a show where we talk a load of bollocks on any topic that springs to mind. That one's on at 12.30pm on Wednesdays. Tune in if you get the chance - there should be podcasts soon, as well.

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